Friday, June 3, 2011

The Final Chapter...and the VanAusdale Clan Comes to London!

Well, here we are everyone, the final chapter in “Justin is a whiny bitch” is finally here. This is the last time I will be writing about the permanent position in London because a final decision has been made...and I know it's a final decision because I'm not the one making it. So here we are: the end. I know, I's about damn time, but you really should know better by now known to stop reading ages ago.

Some of you have heard this story since it happened a few weeks ago and I've been too busy to broadcast it to the world, but for those of you who haven't heard, here it is. Those of you who have heard it...tough shit, read it again. A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my work area, minding my own business and toiling away at yet another work day when I get an email notification from one of my bosses for a “catch up” meeting. As soon as I saw the notification, I knew exactly what it was about: they finally figured out their end of the visa/job situation and this was the meeting that settled once and for all if I was staying in London or leaving for some unknown part of the US.

So, as I sat there over the next 27 hours wondering what the outcome would be, contemplating my unknown options, I John Kerry'd the fuck out of the decision as is my usual style. I went from being certain I would be taking the offer if there was one, to being certain I would decline, to completely indifferent on the situation as a whole, and back to just seeing what would happen and taking it from there. Pretty much the last 3 months worth of thoughts and worry just rehashed in a shorter amount of time.

Turns out, it was all for naught as they said what I had been expecting for months: the visa would be impossible to get and therefore, I would not have the option to stay anymore. They offered their apologies, blah blah blah, and I didn't have to be the bad guy and tell them I was having second thoughts about staying. Basically, it worked out for the best because it would not come down to me making a decision. The decision was made for me and I'm happy with how it happened because I'm a little bitch who can't get his mind right enough to make a final choice. Regardless, I now get the added benefit of them taking the blame for the situation, so they'll be helping me get a job somewhere in the States with UBS should I decide to go that route. Turns out everything I wrote and the hours I spent agonizing about this decision were all for nothing...but it can always be worse. So, congratulations, USA, I'm coming back to stay after all. I'm sure you'll all agree with me when I say I'm glad this whole fucking mess is behind me. No more talk about this...I'm done.

Now that we're all done with that, the news of the hour is the VanAusdale clan is currently at the Columbus airport about to make their way across the Atlantic (notice, I did not use the bullshit cliché saying that EVERYONE's tired...let it go) to visit for the week in London. If everyone makes it out of here alive, I'll be truly shocked. All six of us in one city for 10 days in VERY close quarters is going to take its toll on all involved. I'm certain we'll all be glad to get back to our regular lives after this time is over.

The last time we had a family vacation, it was July of last year consisting of visits to Philly, New York city, Boston, and Niagara Falls (USA side). Lets just say tempers flared just a tad during that week and we were all glad to get back to normal life and some kind of solitude. Now add the mental mindfuck of international travel, the complications of a different currency, one of the most expensive cities in the world, and everyone being completely out of their comfort zone and I'm fairly certain we can expect frequent and more spectacular fireworks this time around. It will be an interesting week, that much is certain.

Now, don't get me wrong. As regular readers of this shitstorm I call a blog will know, I'm a big fan of my family. However, we are all very strong willed individuals, fairly argumentative, and quite bull-headed in our opinions especially when we know someone else has one that differs from ours. So, I offer a metaphor of sorts: picture a gigantic barrel of dynamite with six sticks of varying amounts of gunpowder (does dynamite have gunpowder? It does now...) and different lengths of fuses. London is the match that has been thrown into the barrel and at some point, one or more of those sticks will ignite and blow everyone to smithereens. It is a fact...this I promise you. Once the explosions are done, we can then examine the fallout, pick up any survivors, and start repairing the damage.

And now, we have a live update, breaking news, if you will...holy shit, this is my first live blog. History in the making, everyone! I have just been informed their flight from Columbus to Newark has been delayed by 30 minutes which gives them a stout 10 minutes to catch the connecting flight to London. This is the equivalent of pouring a gallon of gasoline into the aforementioned barrel and chucking an old school vampire search party torch in there for good measure. One can only hope their seats on the flight aren't booked next to each other, otherwise we may have a new record for vacation temper explosions.

So, in case you're wondering, (I'm sure you're not, but you're reading this far down, so you kind of have to finish...sucker!) the events for the week are as follows:

Saturday: Flight (tentatively) arrives around 10AM GMT, then check-in at the accommodation and probably a light day, just checking out some of the bigger touristy areas downtown.
Sunday: Potentially going on a hop-on hop-off bus tour of the major sights.
Monday: No plans as of yet (this is a trend), but hopefully something like St. Paul's cathedral or checking out Churchill’s War Rooms.
Tuesday: Train to Windsor for Windsor castle and more tourist crap.
Wednesday: Free day, potentially going to a concert, but nothing set in stone.
Thursday: Stafford/Stoke-on-Trent to see some family heritage stuff. We even have our own local tour guide!
Friday: Free day, potentially another concert (Escape the Fate) at the Underground Garage and if not, hitting the town with the brothers.
Saturday: Most likely taking it easy, tourist stuff again since the flight leaves early Sunday morning.
Sunday: Flight leaves at 1PM GMT, arriving in the States at around 3PM. Grocery shopping for me, more travel for everyone else, then driving back to their respective residences thanking christ they're still alive and kicking.
Monday: Back to work...with a smile on my face.

This is long enough for now, but in other news, I just got back from a trip to Eastern Europe to Krakow, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic. If I get bored, I'll write up a detailed report on the was a pretty interesting trip, and definitely one of the best I've gone on thus far.

Until know the deal...any questions – leave them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Gunpowder? Sounds right.

    The first Saturday you left out getting hammer time with the brothers vanausdale.

